100 Essentials to Selling Online Courses

Have you got some killer course content that you’ve developed? Or have you been thinking about what you could teach and share with others? Are you interested in getting it online and running? Can you make a meaningful living doing this? Let’s take a look at the some of the powerful tools that are available to you. I’m going to tell you how to create and sell online courses. I can think of about 100 things that you need to consider before you launch your course.

1. Do Some Research on Supply and Demand for your Course

Find out how to price this course, or if people are we talking about the same Learn robotics ? will even be interested in it. Before you invest a lot of time and money into the project, know that you’ll get a favorable outcome.

2. As Things Develop

In the development phase, you will have many things to focus on. While you’re designing your course, concentrate on building value into it. Value is the most important factor in your course’s success.

3. Watch Your Time Management

Make sure to have the course ready to go when it’s supposed to. Budget your time as you go to prevent a panic at the end.

4. Find the Sweet Spot

Work in the area where your knowledge and passion intersect. Determine what problem you are solving with your course. Layer that in and you’ve got it!

5. Integrate Different Learning Styles

People learn in different ways. Vary the course content to include visual aids and videos, along with activities to do along the way.

6. Choose Your Dates

Decide what day you will begin accepting enrollment, and when your course will start. This will help you to establish your time line and grand plan for the work.

7. Check the URL

You want to get a great URL for your course as soon as you develop the name for it. Start checking… keep it simple!

8. Keep It Clever!

Be sure to give your courses short, catchy names. Remember, it’s got to grab them right away.

9. Verify First

Check and make sure that the catchy name you think of is actually your original thought. Make sure it’s not registered to someone else.

10. Create Your Course Outline

Have the roadmap to understand where you are going with the course. Know what you need to cover, and when you should introduce it.

11. Keep Success in Mind

Every aspect of your content planning should lead to success for the student. How will it help them be more successful?

12. Develop Your Content

Do your research and make sure your content is interesting and unique. Make sure it fills a need. What do people want to learn about? What will they buy?


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Cape Town, South Africa