It absolutely kills me to waste time. I can’t bare the thought of a minute wasted. And yet I know there’s a lot of folks out there who blow away HOURS of their time, and not even know they’re doing it. So in this article we’re going to show you a few ways to avoid any time wasting horror stories, and how to use a printable calendar properly.
Let’s start with some recent printable calendar 2022 research from a and America Online survey. The survey discovered that American workers spend slightly more than 2 hours a day, not including lunch, wasting time. I kid you not. Could we assume then that a LOT of people are really bored with their work? Or a lot of people aren’t bothering too much about planning out their week?
Whatever the case, let’s look into that research a little more. The top time-wasting activities that the survey uncovered were…
1. Surfing Internet (personal use) 44.7%
2. Socializing with co-workers 23.4%
3. Conducting personal business 6.8%
4. Spacing out 3.9%
5. Running errands off-premises 3.1%
Now, not all businesses expect employees to work a full 8 hours a day. And it was also noted that some of the ‘wasted time’ could be seen as ‘creative waste.’ In other words “time that may well have a positive impact on the company’s culture, work environment, and even business results. Personal Internet use and casual office conversations often turn into new business ideas or suggestions for gaining operating efficiencies.”
So there you go. It’s not all bad. But it does reveal something about us, doesn’t it? It kind of indicates that we are happy to float off into our own worlds now and then. And that maybe we don’t want to work too hard either! It’s funny really but all this can easily change just by adopting a few new habits into one’s life. Sometimes it’s just a matter of downloading a free printable calendar and going from there.
I know… a calendar most likely won’t give an immediate change to your habits about work. But if you actively use a calendar everyday, and you make a point of sitting down to plan your week out, and you follow through with your own ‘to do’ list until you’ve accomplished your goals, things will improve greatly.
So… think about HOW you use your own calendar. Whether this is a business calendar, a business organizer, diary or office calendar, the point is that you need to be making the most out of it. Actually, what we’re talking about here is life management, pure and simple. You can’t really manage the thing called time. But you can manage yourself. So focus on that.